Succession planning, responsive recruitment, and staffing structure reflects trust development and growth, driven by pupil need and economies of scale
- Promote CPD and accredited training across the trust (new Teaching School Hub sign up)
- Robust staffing structure with capacity for change and growth ( opportunities for leadership and management development)
- New projects and research opportunities
- Leaders represent schools and trust at local and national forums
- JDS provide clarity about growth and succession planning options
- Promote diversity and inclusion across all sectors – leaders, executive team, trust and governing body succession planning in place
- Reflect and promote the trust democratic scheme of delegation and its vision and values
- Trustees, governors, CEO, HR and clerk will oversee and manage high level appointments, commissioning specialist knowledge as appropriate to the role
- Staffing structure shaped and developed according to the communities we serve and financial capacity
- Recruitment, safer recruitment and appointments reflect diversity of our community and adhere to the recruitment policy and procedures, and our single equality plan